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A7 Square Flap Adriatic Envelope

Get Envelopes to Match Your Invitation! The A7 Envelope fits our A7 Signature, Retangolo and Vertico Pocket Invitations perfectly. It also fits with all other A7 base style cards we carry. They are available in our standard colors, so you can be sure you will have the perfect mat…
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Adriatic is a beautiful sea blue that is cool and sophisticated. This is a matte finish paper from the Colorplan paper line.


Get Envelopes to Match Your Invitation!

The A7 Envelope fits our A7 Signature, Retangolo and Vertico Pocket Invitations perfectly. It also fits with all other A7 base style cards we carry. They are available in our standard colors, so you can be sure you will have the perfect match for your invitation.

Size: 5 1/4 x 7 1/4

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