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Cards & Pockets Dealer/Distributor Program

Cards & Pockets Dealer/Distributor Program

Cards and Pockets is one of the leading suppliers of premium quality pockets, folded cards, envelopes
and fine papers in the industry.

We strive to provide the finest quality, best priced, and most readily available products and services you will find anywhere.

Program Benefits

As a registered reseller, you will have access to deeply discounted wholesale pricing and a wider range of specialty and customized products and options.

  • Over 6000 products in 90+ colors.
  • Exclusive selection of beautiful laser cut pockets, cards, envelopes wraps and shapes made in the USA with our same fine papers.
  • Custom laser cutting
  • Fine quality digital printing including envelope printing and addressing.
  • Outstanding customer service.

For any questions, please e-mail tradeaccounts@cardsandpockets.com

If you are an established invitation designer, wedding planner, stationery designer or reseller apply now!

Sales and Use Tax Permit / Certificate